Beginning: Teaching within the Incarceration System
Beyond the Bars began as volunteer music program for youth who were incarcerated at Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Facility. It started as one teacher being asked to provide lessons for students at PICC. After realizing the dearth of music programs for youth who were incarcerated they began teaching 10 students a week at the jail. This grew quickly to several musicians and educators throughout the Philadelphia community coming together and organizing to run a program that was focused on being student centric for youth who were incarcerated.
During this time we taught far too many talented young people who grew to be incredible musicians and showcased true leadership and compassion for one another. We saw students grow through music and worked with our teachers to build not just a program but a culture where people could be themselves and express how they were authentically feeling. Students described our program as “their therapy,” and families agreed that they saw their children grow and communicate in increasingly positive manners. Sadly our youth frequently stated how much that they had wished they had an accessible musical program where their voices were heard when they were younger. Many of our students frequently further used music as a means of opening up and discussing significant amounts of trauma that they had experienced in their adolescence as the result of violence and divestment from our communities.
Expanding to Run Community Based Programming
Listening to our students’ voices and wishes Beyond the Bars expanded in 2017 to begin offering community based music programs for youth who had been impacted by violence or divestment in any way. These programs were designed to create more safe spaces where students could not just learn music but have access to a community of artists who would support them in accomplishing their goals. Beyond the Bars consistently built these programs with student voice as the primary guide. While the program began as merely an instrumental music program it grew and adapted to students’ wishes and added a production program and focused primarily on songwriting for students to be writing their own music. Beyond the Bars eventually developed two strong programs the Student Driven Music Academy and the Practical Producers Program where students throughout the city would have multiple pathways to express themselves through music.
Growth in Philadelphia’s Anti-Violence and Diversion Community
For over 4 years Beyond the Bars operated as an entirely volunteer run organization with a strong team of teachers and community leaders that worked countless hours unpaid building an organization that was dedicated to providing outlets for our youth. During this time students went on performed sold out shows at venues such as World Cafe Live and had their own recordings played on the radio. Despite a small budget the team worked to run over 7 programs for youth and constantly created opportunities such as recordings or performances where students could showcase their talents. Beyond the Bars was known for doing a great deal with a shoestring budget and began to be recognized by the city of Philadelphia and the state of Pennsylvania for its work. It was the recipient of the Philadelphia Prison Program of the Year, received an Official Proclamation from the State House of Representatives, recognition from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, and the City of Philadelphia’s CEG Initiative and was named an official Diversion Program with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office.
Accessible Lab Build Out
BTB has always been led and guided by our youth’s voices. As we grew our youth consistently expressed the need to have more accessible musical spaces throughout the city and how they would be happy to help build these spaces. They founded the Student Tech Team where they worked on refurbishing computers and instruments to build music labs throughout Philadelphia. With the instruments and computers we were able to do a concerted Accessible Music Lab Build Out with our community partners where we were able to build over 45 music labs (and counting) in locations that include shelters, trauma clinics, foster care, recreation centers, community hubs, schools, programs for Immigrants and Refugees, programs for LGBTQ+ youth and programs for youth who have been impacted by violence and divestment in any way.
Working Systemically to Address Systemic Problems

Beyond the Bars has grown due to our strong community in Philadelphia which includes over 50 partners. Whether it be reentry, homelessness, anti-violence, trauma focused, assisting victims of sexual abuse, Beyond the Bars has incredible partners that provide resources and services that we do not. BTB works with these partners to build labs, run programs and connect additional youth to the amazing resources that they provide in our community. Through our work with our partners we have worked to build over 45 musical spaces throughout our city where programming can be accessible and students can have safe spaces in their neighborhood to write and record their own music.
Beyond the Bars focuses on meeting students where they are at and building with them to make a program that they want and that they deserve.